- B.S. in University Jaume I (UJI), 2002
- Ph.D in University Jaume I (UJI), 2008
Work experience
- Image Processing Expert at PhotonicSENS JUN/16-Current
- Active learning, feature selection and 3D image reconstruction
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (post-doctoral) JUL/15-JUN16 (UJI)
- Active learning, feature selection and 3D image reconstruction
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (post-doctoral) MAR/14-JUL/15 (UPV)
- Predictive models for multidimensional data when the resolution context changes
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (post-doctoral) OCT/08-MAR/13 (UJI)
- Image Segmentation on Multispectral Images
- Feature Selection
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (pre-doctoral) ABR/05-SEP/08 (UJI)
- RESEARCH GRANT (Spanish Ministry) JUL/02-MAR/05 (UJI)
- TEACHER (Professional Adult development) MAY/02-JUL/02 Doceo Formacion
- DEPARTMENT OF SW DEVELOPMENT ABR/00-NOV/01 Mirall Computer Systems
- English (B2 level).
- Algorithm Development: Design, implement, and optimize computer vision and deep learning algorithms for real-time applications.
- Data Collection and Preparation: Acquire, clean, and transform data for use in machine learning models.
- Model Design and Training: Create and train deep learning models for tasks such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and facial recognition.
- Model Evaluation and Fine-Tuning: Evaluate model performance, adjust hyperparameters, and improve accuracy.
- Integration and Deployment: Integrate models into existing systems and deploy them in specific environments.
- Optimization and Performance: Optimize models to ensure efficient and scalable performance.
- Experience with OpenCV.
- Programming Languages: Matlab, R, Python, C#, C, and C++.
- Communication and oral presentation skills.
- Best Practices:
- Use of Git and GitLab.
- Focus on code quality.
- Consideration of responsible AI in solution development.
- Clear and concise documentation.
March 01, 2024
Tutorial at OWN - Florida Universitaria, Valencia, Spain
I have published over 40 academic papers, including 10 in JCR, 18 in CORE, and 4 in LNCS. My contributions stand out in areas such as multidimensional and multispectral sensing, machine learning, and photonics.
Adolfo Martínez-Usó, Filiberto Pla, J.M. Sotoca and P. García-Sevilla. (2007). "Clustering-based hyperspectral band selection using information measures." IEEE TGRS. 1(1).
Adolfo Martínez-Usó and José Hernández-Orallo. (2015). "Multidimensional prediction models when the resolution context changes." LNCS 9285. 1(1).
I apply the latest AI trends in the context of AI for video games at Florida Universitaria. I organize data mining competitions in the Data Science subject of the Master’s in Big Data Analytics UPV.
Internatinalisation and leadership
My goal is to continue innovating and applying my skills to solve complex problems and add value in both industry and academia. I have enriched my academic journey with impactful research stays at renowned public centres:
- Univ. Politécnica de Valencia 12/03/2014- 15/07/2015. Postdoctoral. Machine learning models.
- University of Kingston. 01/05/2010 - 31/08/2010. Postdoctoral. Action segmentation and recognition.
- Imperial College. 09/06/2009 - 16/09/2009. Postdoctoral. Color image segmentation.
- University of Bristol. 27/05/2007 - 31/08/2007. Predoctoral. Segmentation of multispectral images.
- University of Surrey, CVSSP. 01/01/2005 - 17/04/2005. Predoctoral. Color decomposition and texture.
- University of Surrey, CVSSP. 09/04/2004 - 29/07/2004. Predoctoral. Color decomposition.
Implemented and exploited patents, such as 3D camera technology offering image and depth in a single shot:
- Patent EP3516626, 25/11/2020. Device and method for obtaining distance information from views.
- Patent EP3548935, 09/10/2019. Microlens Array.
- Patent WO2019174758A1, 19/09/2019. Plenoptic camera for mobile devices.
- Patent WO2018141414, 09/08/2018. Device and method for obtaining depth information from a scene.